Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I normally can tolerate with types of people. Yes I do.
Tapi bukan kau.
Yg perlukan explanation bodoh. Its like, asking, "Kenapa epal ada warna merah and warna hijau." I maybe brilliant but there are things yg tuhan je yg tau.. Itu bukan jawapan buntu, tapi dats it. Mmg tuhan je yg tau..
Stop put pressure on me la.. Enough with stupid question.

No need to argue for stupid things. I just want a peace night. Dats all...
(I am frowning like hell) PENING TAU TAK!

Next time, if you really want to chat with me, create some valuable question such as, big bad wolf ada balik 28 haribulan ni ke, dah jumpe resipi kek gune 1 telur je ke.. Kenapa makan garam byk merbahaya, kalau nak jogging, kene makan ape sebelum dan selepas tu...
Ni, ....

 haish.. aku sedih la.....

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